Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Think about this when you make that turkey sandwich

World ‘Dangerously Close’ to Food Crisis, U.N. Says
Global grain production will tumble by 63 million metric tons this year, or 2 percent over all, mainly because of weather-related calamities like the Russian heat wave and the floods in Pakistan, the United Nations estimates in its most recent report on the world food supply. The United Nations had previously projected that grain yields would grow 1.2 percent this year.

The fall in production puts the world “dangerously close” to a new food crisis, Abdolreza Abbassian, an economist with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, said at a news conference last week.
Timely report just days before so many are getting ready to stuff their faces with turkey, potatoes, stuffing, pie... Time to evaluate our lifestyles as citizens of Mother Earth. Thanksgiving, Black Friday, everyday.
Sure I am all for "being thankful for what we have,."  But let us all start to live a little more simply.

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