Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What Rush wants...

Limbaugh tells Boehner to flip-flop and “defend Big Oil” — and the House Speaker does
When Rush Limbaugh says “jump,” the Speaker of the House apparently says, “Can I do a flip, too?” John Boehner courageously supported ending taxpayer subsidies to Big Oil for 12 hours, as CP noted yesterday.

Obviously Boehner heard from Big Oil about his claim that oil companies are “not paying their fair share.” But Think Progress has the story of someone else Boehner heard from:

As the White House and Democratic lawmakers congratulate Boehner on having “seen the light,” right-wing mouthpiece Rush Limbaugh is choking on Boehner’s betrayal. Aghast that Boehner failed to defend Big Oil’s slick situation, Limbaugh said that, were he a Republican political leader, “I would defend Big Oil“
Amazing that a nut like Rush can have this type of power.  This situation is one that should make Boehner cry is eyes out.

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