Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Battle won...

Tea Party Attempt to Block Incandescent Ban Fails to Get Enough Votes
As I mentioned a couple days ago, Republicans were trying to block a law setting minimum efficiency for lightbulbs, which would have made U.S. citizens waste $12.5 billion in wasted electricity over the next 9 years, or the equivalent of what 33 power stations produce. But it didn't quite turn out the way Michele Bachmann and the Tea Party wanted...

he 2007 law that mandates a minimum level of efficiency about 25% higher for all light bulbs, which would effectively ban the very inefficient 100-watt incandescent bulb, has survived... for now.

But Tuesday night's vote in the House of Representatives failed to muster the two-thirds majority needed under special rules invoked by Republicans to fasttrack the repeal.
The bill did get a 233-193 majority in the House, however, and Joe Barton the Texan Republican behind the measure told US politics website Politico he would try again to get the legislation through - by any means.

"We can put it on an appropriations bill", he said. "We can back it under a rule. I can try and go to some of the Democrats who didn't vote for it and figure out a way to get them to consider voting for it in a different format." (source)
Battle won ....the war continues.

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