Thursday, July 16, 2009

Live with nature or control it?

Fighting hurricanes by manipulating the sea
If you thought domination of the world's software market was cool, get a load of Bill Gates' next technological vision: giant ocean-going tubs that fight hurricanes by draining warm water from the surface to the depths, through a long tube.

A second tube could simultaneously suck cool water from the depths to the surface.

Microsoft founder Gates and a dozen other scientists and engineers have a patent pending for deploying such vessels, which they say would collect water through waves breaking over the walls of the tub. Some variations have the water moving through turbines on their way down, which would in turn generate electricity to suck up the cooler water.
Hurricanes can devestate. Weather can destroy. Nature can be fierce. But do we really have to control everything we see? Do we have to take the Bible (Genesis 1) literally when it talks about
...dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth
Bill stick with battling Google and leave the weather and nature to itself.

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