Monday, October 12, 2009

My calendar

Forget the Gregorian calendar. Sure you have to watch the calendar for work, for the IRS, for those dates that if you forget someone will kill you (anniversaries, birthdays, etc.). But my calendar is a little different:

  • Holidays - My holidays are the winter and summer solstices marked by a trip to NYC to listen to Paul Winter and the Consort at St. John The Divine.  Can't forget St. Francis Day - blessing of the animals.
  • Weeks and days are marked by my kombucha schedule  - one set bottled on what was once called Monday and the other set bottled on what was called Thursday.  
  • Seasons - it is now lettuce/radish season, tomato/cuke/squash season, turnip/kale/squash/parsnip season and then bean/sprout season.  Okay so it centers around the foods out of my garden.  That is how I look at seasons now.  In the midst of tomato/cuke season there is the Jersey Shore week of every daylight hour in the water.
Interesting that I really have looked at time in a different way in recent years.  But it really makes sense - my calendar is more in tune with my local environment.  Knowing when to plant based on bird/insect sightings is  a perfect example.

Now if work and social demands would work with my calendar - everything would be perfect. 

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