Sunday, December 13, 2009

Blame it on...

Gore Tackles Palin, Fights Back On ClimateGate
In a wide-ranging interview with Slate, Gore talks about environmental policy, why the Copenhagen meeting matters, and the hacked climate science emails. The emails, Gore stresses, were "taken wildly out of context" and the uproar surrounding them is "sound and fury signifying nothing."

His frustration with the hacked-email fallout is palpable. "The basic facts are incontrovertible. What do they think happens when we put 90 million tons up there every day? Is there some magic wand they can wave on it and presto!--physics is overturned and carbon dioxide doesn't trap heat anymore?" Gore asked, and pressed his point harder: "And when we see all these things happening on the Earth itself, what in the hell do they think is causing it?
I think that last line is priceless and sums it up best.

When it quacks like a duck, walks like a is a duck. So it goes with climate change - we are involved, we are a cause, we are a solution.

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