Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Finally. Too late? Just Words?

Obama’s finally connecting the Gulf spill and clean energy.
"The reason that folks are now having to go down a mile deep into the ocean, and then another mile drilling into the ground below, that is because the easy oil fields and oil wells are gone, or they're starting to diminish.

That tells us that we've got to have a long-term energy strategy in this country. And we've got to start cultivating solar and wind and biodiesel. And we've got to increase energy efficiency across our economy in our buildings and our automobiles."

Today at the Solyndra solar panel plant in Fremont, Calif:

"Climate change poses a threat to our way of life -- in fact, we're already beginning to see its profound and costly impact. And the spill in the Gulf, which is just heartbreaking, only underscores the necessity of seeking alternative fuel sources ...

Fifteen years ago, the United States produced 40 percent of the world's solar panels -- 40 percent. That was just 15 years ago. By 2008, our share had fallen to just over 5 percent. I don't know about you, but I'm not prepared to cede American leadership in this industry, because I'm not prepared to cede America's leadership in the global economy.

So that's why we've placed a big emphasis on clean energy ... But we've still got more work to do, and that's why I'm going to keep fighting to pass comprehensive energy and climate legislation in Washington. We're going to try to get it done this year, because what we want to do is create incentives that will fully unleash the potential for jobs and growth in this sector."

"We're going to try to get it done this year" doesn't presage a full-court press. But it's a step in the right direction.
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