Thursday, January 6, 2011

The signs continue...

Mass Animal Deaths Around the World: Dead Birds Fall from Sky, Millions of Fish & Crabs Wash Ashore
As you're likely aware, there's been a pretty bizarre spate of mass animal deaths reported around the world. First, it was the thousands of birds that fell from the sky in Arkansas on New Year's Eve. Some 100,000 fish also washed up on the shores of a river 100 miles away. Birds fell from the sky in Louisiana and Kentucky, too. Two million fish washed up dead in Chesapeake Bay. 50 birds fell from the sky in Sweden. 100 tons of fish washed ashore in Brazil. 40,000 crabs were found dead in England. All of this carnage has left people around the world wondering the same thing: What the hell is going on?

Unfortunately, there's no good answer. The explanations offered up so far run the gamut -- from being dismissed as a series of unrelated, unfortunate coincidences to the suggestion that the deaths are a result of unusually cold weather to full-bore conspiracy theories that claim the US government is behind it all -- but nothing conclusive has been determined.

All in all, these incidents have led to a search for a unified theory that explains the phenomena -- what could be killing all of these animals? The conspiracy theorists that point to the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP (a government research project that investigates the ionosphere that's been blamed for many a mysterious event) as the culprit certainly don't have me convinced. But the patchwork, "great big coincidence" theory leaves something wanting as well.

Though the phenomenon may indeed be partly the result of self-fulfilling prophecy; the Washington Post points out that "when one news report about dead birds becomes big news, a few dead birds anywhere in the world becomes big news." After all, sudden mass animal deaths do occur more often than most of us realize: "About 500 million to 1 billion birds are killed every year and mass deaths have been noted about 16 times in the past 20 years," the PBS NewsHour reports. Even so, there's plenty to chew on here, and you can't blame the conspiracy theorists for tackling this one head on.
Sure, maybe there is some "piling on" by news agencies. But come on. Something is going on.
Not a UFO, wind turbine, fireworks, microburst, etc. But a sign no doubt. A sign that Mother Earth is trying to heal itself.
On the other hand, maybe the religious fanatics were just a little off on their interpretation of the Rapture. Maybe it was not humans, just innocent animals being "saved" before the End Times. We all know that God is an animal lover.

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