Wednesday, February 23, 2011

If animals are threatened...

Monsanto's Roundup Ready Crops Contain Organism Causing Animal Miscarriages, Scientist Says
Recent research claims that Monsanto's Roundup Ready genetically modified crops contain an organism, previously unknown to science, that can cause miscarriages in farm animals. This disturbing find comes on the heels of Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack's decision to deregulate Roundup Ready Alfalfa (RRA). Roundup Ready is designed to survive Roundup, Monsanto's weed-killing chemical.

Purdue University's Emeritus Professor Don M. Huber presented the findings of the research, which observed the new organism using a 36,000X electron microscope. According to Treehugger, the organism can cause disease in both plants and animals, a rare feat.

Huber wrote an open letter to Vilsack requesting a moratorium on deregulating Roundup Ready crops. Huber states that Roundup Ready has a high concentration of an animal pathogen connected to "plant and animal diseases that are reaching epidemic proportions." Huber finishes his letter by stating, "It deserves immediate attention with significant resources to avoid a general collapse of our critical agricultural infrastructure."

A recent article in The Washington Post suggests that Roundup Ready Alfalfa is unnecessary and harmful to the farming community. When RRA is grown, reports suggest that weeds develop a resistant to Roundup. This has reportedly already happened to Roundup Ready corn, soybeans, and cottons. As The Washington Post remarks on GMOs, "You can't recall them the way you can a car or a plastic toy. They're out there for good. And no one knows what their full impact will be." Although the impact of Roundup Ready Alfalfa has now become disturbingly more apparent.
What threats to human life? Do we have to wait to find out? It's time to reverse Ag's decision.
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