Friday, April 1, 2011

My kind of manifesto

Lazivores Unite: A Manifesto for Lazy Gardening
Food has become the front line of the battle for sustainable living. Yet while I appreciate the proliferation of blog posts, videos, and books about locavore diets and backyard farming they have, I fear, created a certain ethic around self-sufficiency and the idea of returning to the hard, honest task of working the soil. In principle, I have no problem with that... except that I don't really like hard, honest work.

It's time that the lazy gardeners among us rise up and take an explicit stand. So, for all the folks who find weeding a chore, who would rather be reading TreeHugger than thinning their lettuce, and who never really understood the point in double digging anyway, I offer you a manifesto for lazy gardening. Read on, if you have the energy.
Pick up that beer, sit in the lawn chair, listen to some great sounds and read the manifesto.

With just a few word changes the closing paragraph could be mine...
I have jobs. I have a daughter. And I have a real penchant for sitting in the woods by a creek and watching the world go by. Instead of beating myself up for not growing everything I could grow, I now choose to applaud myself for everything I do grow. It's just another aspect of the lost eco-art of cutting yourself some slack.
Time to put away the seed catalogs and be happy with my plans.  Forget the hops, tobacco, white pumpkins and gourds.  

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