Monday, May 2, 2011

Deer fencing

The Pro-Environment Case for Errecting Deer Fences
Intuitively, I've never been to fond of fences. Symbolically, they were always a reminder of humans' tendency to dominate nature, and on a practical level they seemed like they would restrict the movement of wildlife and prevent access to important habitat. But last year, having watched my gardens decimated by deer for a number of years, my wife and I decided to invest in a deer fence. I have been amazed at how it has transformed our yard from an aesthetic perspective. But what really had me surprised was just how much it seems to have benefited wildlife too.
Good article reminds me of my PF days - that's pre-fence days.  I always thought that I could share my vegetable garden bounty with nature.  Always had - at least I thought - an agreement that we would share.  But then the deer became greedy and took it all.

Sorry guys for fencing you out - but I thought we had a pact.  
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