Tuesday, September 14, 2010

If it smells like a duck...

High Fructose Corn Syrup to be Rebranded as "Corn Sugar"
Would a Heavily Subsidized, Unhealthy Substance by Any Other Name..?
As the mounting pile of evidence that high fructose corn syrup is unhealthier than ordinary table sugar continues to grow, industry executives have buckled down and decided it's time for action. Honoring a longstanding American tradition, HFCS industry representatives have responded to that sprawling body of scientific research by doing what they do best -- launching a re-branding campaign. "High fructose corn syrup" may have (rightfully) acquired something of a stigma. But perhaps the public will forget all about the health ills associated with the stuff when it's called by its benign new name: "Corn Sugar".
A new name but it still is not for me. Why?
Well let's start with...Mercury
A pilot study reported that some high-fructose corn syrup manufactured in the U.S. in 2005 contained trace amounts of mercury. The mercury appeared to come from sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid, two chemicals used in the manufacture of high-fructose corn syrup.
The there's...
the high level of processing and the use of at least one genetically modified (GMO) enzyme required to produce it
"High-fructose corn syrup starts out as cornstarch, which is chemically or enzymatically degraded to glucose and some short polymers of glucose. Another enzyme is then used to convert varying fractions of glucose into fructose...High-fructose corn syrup just doesn't exist in nature."
Doesn't sound too appetizing. Corn - at one time. Sugar -okay. Good for you - yeah right!

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