Sunday, September 12, 2010

Polar Bears and Leaf

Nissan Leaf's Strangely Moving Polar Bear Ad 

Nissan's new ad for the Leaf, its much-anticipated entrance into the electric car field, somehow combines melting ice caps, an electric car, a polar bear and a strangely moving man-and-animal embrace.
The ad has already earned some raves from eco-minded bloggers. Good says the ad's "irreverence is perfectly tuned." Ecorazzi notes that it ends in an "Awww."
BrandChannel notes that the ad was launched on Thursday's National Football League opener, and says the ad takes a tiny bit of political license:
It's interesting, too, that for the ad, Nissan positioned Leaf in a driveway, untethered - not in a garage where it's actually likely to be found each morning, connected by a cord to an electrical outlet, when an owner leaves the house to get into the vehicle for the commute.
Now if that bear will drive away after hugging the dude - that would be a great commercial!

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