Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Need more signs?

Ice bridge ruptures in Antarctic
An ice bridge linking a shelf of ice the size of Jamaica to two islands in Antarctica has snapped.

Scientists say the collapse could mean the Wilkins Ice Shelf is on the brink of breaking away, and provides further evidence of rapid change in the region.

While the break-up will have no direct impact on sea level because the ice is floating, it heightens concerns over the impact of climate change on this part of Antarctica.
Sure I know some are out there pooh-poohing "global warming." So let's agree to call it climate change. And really, would it kill you to change a bulb, reduce your car use, buy local... Hell, these things won't hurt and most end up saving you money in the long run. The worse that happens? Come to think of it - there's no downside.

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