Friday, February 26, 2010

Your Butt May Glow

Save Energy with Glow in the Dark Toilet Paper
This glow-in-the-dark toilet paper charges up during the day with natural light or ambient artificial light. Presumably the paper content is not recycled, but we can only hope the luminescence is recycled from nuclear power plants. In what's definitely not a lazy cop out, here is the brilliant product description in its entirety:

In a world where scientific discovery and exploration is slowly but surely unravelling the myriad mysteries of the universe, it's gratifying to know that some idiot can still find time to come up with such a ludicrous invention as Glow In The Dark Loo Roll. It may not be a Hadron Collider (the less said about black holes and anti-matter the better), but whilst it won't enlighten us as to what happened at the beginning of time, it will shed some light on the subject at hand, and it's a lot funnier.
Like all things luminous it needs light to charge itself up, so to speak, and the amount of light it gets will determine how long it glows for. Why we're bothering to get technical about it is a mystery, it's Glow In The Dark Loo Roll for heaven's sake. As serious as a giraffe in flippers, though considerably more useful, and isn't it reassuring to know that all those research grants aren't going unwasted?

If your bum glows after you get back to bed, I consider that a bonus.
Glow in the dark butt? No thanks.

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