Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Another crazy train rider for your pleasure

Lender bikes in StockholmImage via Wikipedia
Bike-Sharing Program May be Unconstitutional
Last week, we reported that a Republican candidate for the Colorado governorship had declared that Denver's bike-sharing program was a threat to our personal freedoms. Since then, Tea Party-backed Dan Maes has faced some scrutiny in the press for his ambiguous statements: Along with threatening our freedoms, he claimed that bike-sharing was part of a deeper plot to turn the city into a "UN community". When asked what he meant in a television interview, Maes had trouble explaining himself -- and dug himself further into a hole by alleging that the bike-sharing program could be "incompatible with our state constitution".
Bike sharing is a UN program? Wow and here I never gave the UN enough credit for an ecological stance.

Now we know that similar programs take place around the world with great success and are applauded by citizens.  But why should we do something that  is good for the environment and good four our health. 

Wonder if he checks under his bed for monsters before nighty-nighty?  The scariest thing is that he will garner support and votes even with this madness.
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