Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Food protests around the world

GMO Crop Sabotage on the Rise: French citizens destroy trial vineyard
Early Sunday morning, French police stood helpless as sixty people, locked inside an open-air field of genetically modified grapevines, uprooted all the plants. In Spain last month, dozens of people destroyed two GMO fields. On the millennial cusp, Indian farmers burned Bt cotton in their Cremate Monsanto campaign. Ignored by multinational corporations and corrupt public policy makers, citizens act to protect the food supply and the planet.
The French vineyard is the same field attacked last year when the plants were only cut. But the security features installed after that incident kept authorities at bay while the group accomplished its mission yesterday.
Imagine if this happened here. Agribusiness security forces would declare "terrorism"... But which is really the "terror" bomb - ripping out the plants or playing science/God with food?
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