Saturday, March 5, 2011

Garden Oil

Oil-Free Gardening Tips (PHOTOS)
The disastrous BP oil spill reminded the world that drilling comes with a heavy cost. But oil is a fact of modern life. Gasoline powers our cars, plastics encase our lunches, and asphalt paves our streets. Petroleum shows up in our organic gardens as plastic mulch, vinyl fences, polypropylene row covers, and PVC hoses. But if synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are not welcome, why embrace oil-based products? Here are a few ways to root out the worst petroleum offenders from the garden.
From eliminating PVC barriers, using twine and composting - all great ideas.
Today was the day I battled the mud and remnant snow to fix my garden's fence.  Some new posts - some new metal wire - some wet shoes....come on spring.
Also worked on the grape arbor - dreaming of picking those your leaves for some stuffed grape leaves.

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