Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pigeons in our future?

A feral rock pigeon (Columba livia), taken in ...Image via WikipediaChinese Army to Enlist 10,000 Pigeons, Just in Case
From their humble beginnings along the rocky cliff sides of Africa and Asia some 20 million years ago, pigeons can now by found pretty much anywhere there´s a statue being erected or sandwich being eaten -- though long before we they were merely pests, they served a vital purpose that has evidently not been lost. It was recently revealed that China plans to increase its military spending 12.7 percent, but evidently not all that money will go towards tanks and fighter jets. According to China Central Television, the People's Liberation Army will soon be training 10,000 pigeons, to act as couriers if traditional communication equipment fails.
Don't laugh.   We may all be relying on past techniques and skills.  Remember after 9/11 how many were without cell phones and internet?
It is not so far fetched that communication lines may break down and we are all without or iPads, Androids... Pigeons or just walking to the town to hear the news may be the only way to find out the news.
And as the recent "No Reservations" showed, pigeons make a good meal too!

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