Sunday, August 7, 2011

Corn on the cob next summer?

Only if it is organic...

Monsanto to Sell Biotech Sweet Corn for U.S. Consumers
Monsanto Co. (MON), the world’s biggest vegetable seed maker, said it will begin selling genetically modified sweet corn in the U.S. this year, the first product it has developed for the consumer market.

The sweet corn seeds are engineered to kill insects living above and below ground and to tolerate applications of the company’s Roundup herbicide, Consuelo Madere, Monsanto vice president for vegetables, told reporters at company headquarters in St. Louis today. They will be introduced to growers serving the U.S. fresh corn market starting in the autumn, she said.
Monsanto previously sold only engineered crops that are processed into sugars and oils, used as animal feed or made into fibers. The new seeds will initially target the 250,000-acre market for fresh corn in the eastern U.S., Madere said. Monsanto is in discussions with companies that would can or freeze the corn, she said.
Who in their right mind thinks this is a good idea?  Sure the stockholders love it but the consumers?  Sure won't have intestinal parasites if you eat the corn, but then again what will you get after eating this?

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