Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Taking his cue from Doc Luntz

Rick Perry: Global Warming is a Hoax Concoted by Data-Manipulating Scientists
Texas Governor Rick Perry is indeed, as many news outlet have noted, "coming out swinging" in the presidential primaries. He's already called for a moratorium on all regulations, blasted the chairman of the Federal Reserve as "treasonous", and, now, he's stating outright that he believes global warming is a hoax stirred up by scientists who "manipulated data". That's right, folks. It is officially now acceptable for a mainstream presidential candidate -- and a potential frontrunner by many counts -- to deny a scientific body of evidence unequivocally agreed upon by the nation's, and the world's, science institutions. It is now acceptable to put bizarre conspiracy theories ahead of science itself.
Scary that this guy could be the GOP nominee for Prez.  Even scarier is the thought that sheeple could elect this guy!

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