Monday, May 4, 2009

Reynolds showing the way?

Reynolds Wrap has introduced a new product line. 100% recycled foil wrap - pre & post consumer aluminum.

The manufacturing process still requires a high amount of heat - curious as to how they are "greening" their manufacturing facilities.

It is clear that this is a good product for you to look at. The mining of bauxite needed to wrap your peanut butter and jelly sandwich is very damaging to the environment - clearing of vegetation, soil erosion... So the small step in using this product, or other available recycled foil products, is a positive step. The question remains whether Alcoa Reynolds is in it for the good of the planet or just another case of "greenwashing."

Buy it, use it, but always think/(know) about the environmental cost of the product - and every product you consume. When you are aware of the true costs - you will be motivated to find alternatives, to recycle, to reduce...

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