Sunday, May 3, 2009

Soda and Tomatoes - Yummy?

I know you've seen those commercials with fantastic looking tomatoes growing upside down. Do those things work?
This year I decided to try it out. Though I could not see myself buying one of those things. Instead I used a plastic gallon planter that I had saved from a perennial plant I had purchased. Made the hole a little bigger, lined the drain holes with newspaper, "planted" the beefsteak tomato plant, filled with soil, watered, and hung it up using wires poked into the planter. After one week the plant is still alive though growing sideways along the bottom reaching for the sky. Other who have tried it say that eventually the plan becomes larger and heavy and twist downward. Time will tell if it is successful, more prolific...
I found another way to create the "topsy turvy" using soda bottles.


A great way to reuse those soda bottles - if you drink that deadly stuff. Cost? Cost of redemption - here in CT $.05.

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