Image by genetew via Flickr
Yale University has just released an updated survey about the attitudes of the people in the United States about climate change which quantifies what I'm sure many people in green community have been sensing: Americans are becoming notably more skeptical about the causes of global warming, future effects, and indeed whether its even happening:Too busy listening to the Limbaugh/Hannity/Beck gospels. Too busy worrying about American Idol. Too concerned that needed changes will affect their buying habits/needs.
The study--conducted in the last week of 2009 and which has a margin or error of +/- 3%--found that the percentage of Americans who think global warming is happening at all has fallen 14 points to 57%.
But back to the issue of growing scientific evidence of warming: The percentage of people who think most scientists think climate change is happening dropped 13 point to 34%, while 40% of the American public believes there is "a lot of disagreement" among scientists about whether warming is happening or not.
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Well I assent to but I contemplate the collection should prepare more info then it has.
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