Friday, January 8, 2010

It's called Climate Change

UK's Met Office Reminds Us It's Not Cold Everywhere:
met office temperature map
map: MetOffice

One more to try to eradicate the 'it's snowing and cold so global warming mustn't be happening' meme: The UK's Met Office reminds us all that it's not only not cold everywhere in the world, but many places are currently seeing much higher temperatures than average. They sum up succinctly, 'The current cold weather in the UK is part of the normal regional variations that take place in the world, but many places are currently seeing much higher temperatures than average. They sum up succinctly, "The current cold weather in the UK is part of the normal regional variations that take place in the winter season. It doesn't tell us anything about climate change, which has to be looked at in a global context and over longer periods of time."
Really, let's all start reminding our friends, family and even random people on the street that weather and climate are not the same thing. This isn't even a question of is or is not the planet warming; it's basic terminology and education.
Oh how I wish the naysayers, the Hannity's, Limbaugh's, Palins, etc. would read this and understand.
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