Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wishing summer away?

Pulled out the lettuce and two cousa squash plants. The squash was replaced with kale seeds. The lettuce area will be planted with a fall crop of greens.
The kabocha and butternut squash are growing great. Pumpkin and acorn are slowly getting there. I think next year we'll forget the pumpkin and acorn and just plant the whole back with kabocha.
So not really wishing a season away, but just planning ahead. Planning for the veggie stew with potatoes, kale, parsnips, turnips, carrots...It was my staple last fall and will be this year as well. But now it will be fortified with my own-grown potatoes and dried beans.
It has been a very good year for the garden so far. Though more watering this year than last.
But the yellow jackets are not treating me as well. Another sting - this one on my left hand. Let's see if this one swells my hand to three times the size.

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